Featured Artists
With our dedication to present only the finest quality to our customers, every piece seen in Gold Bug's collection has been created by master artists employing cultivated and ancient techniques utlizing only the finest materials in order to fabricate their art. It is because of this timeless quality that we believe these "modern relics" hold an important place in our collective art history and will be cherished for years to come should they make their way into your collection.
39 products
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Unwrapping the Ribbons FlagSale price$2,500.00
Thunderbolt of Zeus FlagSale price$2,000.00
Honey Cake Offering FlagSale price$3,500.00
Lowering into the Chamber FlagSale price$3,000.00
Guardian Lion FlagSale price$3,000.00
Three Rams Heads FlagSale price$2,000.00
Zeus Trophonios Philosopher FlagSale price$2,000.00
F.S.O.S.T. Emblem FlagSale price$1,500.00
Cleo the Crystal EggSale price$1,600.00
Budha Jet CarvingSale price$14,000.00
Amber Peacock Vase LargeSale price$320.00
Amber Vase with FootSale price$290.00
Amanita muscaria Mushroom Jacket (MD)Sale price$1,400.00
Beetle Jacket (SM)Sale price$1,400.00
Green Wall Hanging Snake SculptureSale price$500.00
Sold outWisdom Time and Change Owl Jet CarvingSale price$24,000.00
Brown Wall Hanging Snake SculptureSale price$900.00
Arthur Wood China Mushroom TeapotSale price$800.00
Pink Wall Hanging Snake SculptureSale price$400.00
Amanita Muscaria MushroomSale price$180.00
Snake Crystal DomeSale price$600.00
Lipped Bottle Lustreware VasesSale price$240.00
Sold outCurious BarnaclesSale price$2,500.00
Small Octopod Lamp with Clear GlassSale price$1,400.00