Lowering into the Chamber Flag
Lowering into the Chamber Flag
Wall hanging painted flag made of fabric, bullion and wood measuring 26.5" x 22". This piece measures a total of 35" long when hanging from golden cord hanger.
A suppliant is lowered into a chasm-like pit in the earth, before the rock arch threshold. Inside the dark chamber, the suppliant holds honey cakes in each hand as offering to the thonian serpents, the attendants of the god. They are also the go-
betweens for the bees, who ultimately receive their own life force treasure, the honey.
This piece of art belongs to a larger body of work entitled “Recently Discovered Artifacts”, a site-specific art installation presenting a cache of hidden “artifacts” from a fictional secret antiquarian society, once active in the historic building where Gold Bug operates in Old Pasadena, California.
This mock exhibition is part of a collaborative, surrealist imagining built around some paintings by artist John Griswold, retroactively seeking a plausible context for the particularly odd imagery beginning to gel around a theme - his memories of encountering a little known ancient Greek site described by the Roman travel writer Pausanias as an undergraduate in Art History. After writing a term paper on the Oracle of Trophonios in Levadea, John recalled actually stumbling onto the overgrown location of the oracular cave during a travel break when working as an assistant to an archacological conservator in Greece that summer. This serendipitous encounter has shaped his artistic interest for decades.
The new paintings became instant artifacts - but without a context. When his longtime friends at Goldbug showed him the highly evocative back storage room at their new location in this 1911 brick building, ideas started flowing around the already magical feeling the exposed brickwork and structural wooden beams, and Theodora Coleman's plans for transforming the space to host small events. Then the "what if" moment occurred - what if there had met, in that space long ago, a secret Fraternal society that sought to emulate the mysterious activities at the Cave of Trophonios? What if a cache of artifacts were discovered that gave a glimpse into their inner workings? What if that cache had been found before and re-hidden, but not before being subjected to scholarly investigation? What would that journal article reveal?